Hello beloved people of the world, I am iki, and we continue with Godot tutorials.

Rather, we started with Godot 3 tutorials, which is phenomenal, what they were

asking me for. 

We are going to go slowly, obviously, because I am also going to explore it and I am going to give you knowledge step by step, for those who do not know can understand it.

First we are going to see this base, how to create some primitive 3D figures, the basic 3D figures and in passing explaining a little how 3D works. 

Well, here I have a new world, look here I have the 3d view. We have always worked in 2d, I am going to work in 3d this time, which has the z axis. 

Let’s remember that we always work with X and Y, which is up and down, and now we are going to work with a Z depth. And well the important thing here, we go directly to the fat potato. 

What we did, notice the father of the nodes was a 2d node what we used before. Note that I could have all types of 2d nodes possible. In this case, the 3d nodes are not going to have a space called 3d node, notice that it is called SPATIAL in this case. 

Instead of being called node 3d it is called SPATIAL. And it contains as a child, all these that we can create. Notice, these are all the types of nodes that comprise the SPATIAL, which basically serve for 3D. We have a lot.

 I’m going to mention them like this above, but this tutorial is about dealing with primitives anyway. 

We have a camera, and inside the camera we have a couple of cameras that will help us in certain cases.

It is seen that they developed the 3D part much more, because they have facilities. For example, a camera to work with the virtual reality system, and a camera that will follow another node, for example, the character, etc. 

Well, we have virtual reality control, the origin, a lot of things are trying to incorporate for new technologies.

We have a lot of geometries. These are similar to creating a SPRITE, basically and others, look at nothing but good, here we are going to have 3D figures and others. 

Lights we have too. A lot of things. Reflection. We can even do that with the SHADERS, but hey they are already automated there in the nodes, it makes it easier for us. 

After the COLLISION OBJECT, remember that in 2D we had the KINEMATIC, RIGIDBODY and STATIC. In this case it will not change at all, just inside RIGIDBODY we have the option of creating a vehicle. Sight.

Because physics is going to simulate a little more the behavior of a vehicle. But notice that we even have the area. We have the AUDIO STREAM PLAYER that is to reproduce sounds. 

Well, this is basically for the bones, because we can have, we are going to have to join basically if you want to make for example a person, we can join the bones, we have the BONE ATACHMENT. 

The collision figures. Springs, we have a lot of springs. We even have to do the PATH FINDING with NAVIGATION. The RAYCAST, vehicle wheel, the VISIBILITY NOTIFIER that in the 2d did not work, the ENABLE at least. Only this one worked, I don’t know in 3D, then we will surely test it. And well, let’s proceed then to the important thing. 

As I told you, it is very important, we will from then on, this is going to be the MAIN node, the main node. It is also quite important, there is a WORLD ENVIOREMENT. In 2D we used it basically if we wanted to use a new VIEWPORT and that the world is divided into 2.

Here I think that in 3d it will be more important to establish the CANVAS that is to say what is going to be in front of the GUI, and also to manage the lights and others in the same world, in the same ENVIOREMENT. 

We need yes or yes to establish this. For now we leave it like that, bare, but I want you to keep in mind that I believe that it takes on another importance in 3D from what I have been reading, so it is important to have it as I say. We are going to use lights, reflections, a lot of things that in 2d did not matter, but in 3d it does matter that they are reflected in the VIEWPORT, therefore this calculation is quite useful. 

Well, now we are going to basically proceed to create the node, some figures. Look, we have basic figures. 

I’m going to go to geometries, I’m going to go to MESH INSTANCE. We have a bunch, MULTI MESH, multi shapes, particles, and 3D Sprite that I haven’t tried yet. MESH INSTANCE is what we have to create if we want to create a figure. Notice that with right click I move. 

If I want, while I press right click, I press WASD and I move as we can see. 

Well here the important thing is to put a MESH. Notice that it has a skeleton. This is if we create any 3D model, then we will show how to import in other aspects. 

But hey, here I am going to put a new model. We have a capsule, we have a cube, we have a cylinder, we have a plane, a quad, a prism, it looks like a pyramid, and a sphere. In this case we are going to create a cube, which is the most basic as you can see, and the cube was created as is. 

I’m going to move I move almost like in UNITY basically, with WASD I move. And I’m going to proceed to drag it, look, I can drag it here, here, and I have the Z axis as I show you. 

Look basically here I have the TRANSFORM then and notice that it has XYZ and the origin. It’s all great there. Also note that if I move, I can basically select this and move this, which is great, I love it.

Note that the node this SPATIAL has a TRANSFORM. Anyway also if we want to handle the position, note that we have a 3D POSITION, which is cool too. 

POSITION 3D as we had the POSITION 2D. Well, basically here we have, if we want we can change it to a new shape, look, I’m going to put a cylindrical shape. 

You can put it the way you want, you can affect it as it can be seen. We can see the mesh. Create a conventional static body . 

We have a lot of questions. What I recommend, always, that is, UNITY also brings primitives like this one. What I recommend is not to use the primitives that the engines bring, unless you already have something very specific that you want to do and very concrete and simple. Why? Because if you create it in another 3D model editing software, it will make it much easier for you. For example, UNITY you created a piece of land and it occupied a lot. You got hung up on mobile phones. Now, you if you created it in BLENDER, and I was going to do it with much less polygons. It didn’t load anything, it didn’t consume anything, it worked perfectly. That’s why I recommend you simply customize everything by creating it manually yourself, or with your 3D designer, and your polygon mesh will be lower, it will have less geometry. 

We have a lot of properties after that we will surely be looking at them. But hey, the basics are the same as 2d. The scale, which is the size it has in relation to. The scale 1: 1. The rotation in degrees. The translation if we want to transfer it. Transformation. The layer you are working on. The visibility.

LEVEL OF DETAIL, we see this later. The geometry basically. Notice that it says «use backed lights too». It has a lot of things. 

Soon then we will be seeing in the next tutorial how to apply a texture to it, but I think that with this introduction we were quite good.